Environment Variables
Bigcaptial requires the following environment variables to be configured:
Following environment variables related to the application mail.
Variable | Description |
MAIL_HOST | The hostname or IP address of the mail server used for sending emails. |
MAIL_USERNAME | The username or email address used for authentication when sending emails. |
MAIL_PASSWORD | The password associated with the MAIL_USERNAME for authentication. |
MAIL_PORT | The port number on the mail server used for email communication. |
MAIL_SECURE | Indicates whether the email communication should be secured with encryption. |
MAIL_FROM_NAME | The sender's display name shown in the "From" field of outgoing emails. |
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS | The email address shown in the "From" field of outgoing emails. |
System Database
Following environment variables related to the system database.
Variable | Description |
SYSTEM_DB_HOST | The hostname or IP address of the system database server. |
SYSTEM_DB_USER | The port number on the system database server where the database service is running. |
SYSTEM_DB_PASSWORD | The password associated with the SYSTEM_DB_USER for authentication. |
SYSTEM_DB_NAME | The name of the system database that your application will connect to. the docker-compose config will create a new fresh database after initial container running. |
SYSTEM_DB_CHARSET | Defines the character set or encoding for the system database connection. |
Tenant Database
Following environment variables related to the tenant databases.
Variable | Description |
TENANT_DB_NAME_PERFIX | The prefix name of the tenant databases e.g. if the prefix name is bigcapital_ the created tenant database at the runtime wil be bigcapital_123123 with unique organization id. |
TENANT_DB_HOST | The hostname or IP address of the tenants database server. |
TENANT_DB_USER | The port number of the tenants database server where the database service is running. |
TENANT_DB_PASSWORD | The password associated with the TENANT_DB_USER for authentication. |
TENANT_DB_CHARSET | Defines the character set or encoding for the tenants databases connection. |
Following environment variables is mutual variables between system and tenant databases if both holding the same values.
If you have set the environment variable DB_USER=bigcapital
, the value of DB_USER
will be deprecated and the system's database user will be "acme". Similarly, if you have defined TENANT_DB_NAME=acme
, the tenant databases will default to "bigcapital" until a value set to TENANT_DB_NAME
Variable | Description |
DB_HOST | The hostname or IP address of the system and tenant databases server. |
DB_USER | The port number of the system and tenant databases server where the database service is running. |
DB_PASSWORD | The password associated with the DB_PASSWORD for authentication. |
DB_CHARSET | Defines the character set or encoding for the system and tenants databases connection. |
Variable | Description |
JWT_SECRET | Should be a strong, random, and unique value to enhance the security. |
Signup Restrictions
Following environment variables related to the Signup Restrictions.
Variable | Description |
SIGNUP_DISABLED | Disable the signing up of new users . |
SIGNUP_ALLOWED_DOMAINS | Restrict signups to emails belonging to only a specific set of domains. This field takes a comma-separated set of values. |
SIGNUP_ALLOWED_EMAILS | restrict signups to specific email addresses. This field takes a comma-separated set of values. |