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Environment Variables

Bigcaptial requires the following environment variables to be configured:


Following environment variables related to the application mail.

MAIL_HOSTThe hostname or IP address of the mail server used for sending emails.
MAIL_USERNAMEThe username or email address used for authentication when sending emails.
MAIL_PASSWORDThe password associated with the MAIL_USERNAME for authentication.
MAIL_PORTThe port number on the mail server used for email communication.
MAIL_SECUREIndicates whether the email communication should be secured with encryption.
MAIL_FROM_NAMEThe sender's display name shown in the "From" field of outgoing emails.
MAIL_FROM_ADDRESSThe email address shown in the "From" field of outgoing emails.

System Database

Following environment variables related to the system database.

SYSTEM_DB_HOSTThe hostname or IP address of the system database server.
SYSTEM_DB_USERThe port number on the system database server where the database service is running.
SYSTEM_DB_PASSWORDThe password associated with the SYSTEM_DB_USER for authentication.
SYSTEM_DB_NAMEThe name of the system database that your application will connect to. the docker-compose config will create a new fresh database after initial container running.
SYSTEM_DB_CHARSETDefines the character set or encoding for the system database connection.

Tenant Database

Following environment variables related to the tenant databases.

TENANT_DB_NAME_PERFIXThe prefix name of the tenant databases e.g. if the prefix name is bigcapital_ the created tenant database at the runtime wil be bigcapital_123123 with unique organization id.
TENANT_DB_HOSTThe hostname or IP address of the tenants database server.
TENANT_DB_USERThe port number of the tenants database server where the database service is running.
TENANT_DB_PASSWORDThe password associated with the TENANT_DB_USER for authentication.
TENANT_DB_CHARSETDefines the character set or encoding for the tenants databases connection.


Following environment variables is mutual variables between system and tenant databases if both holding the same values.


If you have set the environment variable DB_USER=bigcapital and SYSTEM_DB_USER=acme, the value of DB_USER will be deprecated and the system's database user will be "acme". Similarly, if you have defined TENANT_DB_NAME=acme, the tenant databases will default to "bigcapital" until a value set to TENANT_DB_NAME.

DB_HOSTThe hostname or IP address of the system and tenant databases server.
DB_USERThe port number of the system and tenant databases server where the database service is running.
DB_PASSWORDThe password associated with the DB_PASSWORD for authentication.
DB_CHARSETDefines the character set or encoding for the system and tenants databases connection.


JWT_SECRETShould be a strong, random, and unique value to enhance the security.

Signup Restrictions

Following environment variables related to the Signup Restrictions.

SIGNUP_DISABLEDDisable the signing up of new users .
SIGNUP_ALLOWED_DOMAINSRestrict signups to emails belonging to only a specific set of domains. This field takes a comma-separated set of values.
SIGNUP_ALLOWED_EMAILSrestrict signups to specific email addresses. This field takes a comma-separated set of values.